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at the London Magic School!

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Easy Card Tricks

Become a card expert in just 12 days - only 20 minutes a day -  and be ready to amaze your friends and family!

Thomas Dixon Magic

Your Teacher

Thomas Dixon

Hi, I'm Thomas and people know me as the Charming Chilean! I'm a full-time magician based in London. I've been doing magic for the past 13 years and have been magic teacher for the last 3.

I founded the London Magic School this year because I felt that there was a space missing for all the students and beginners in magic that wanted to learn, share and become better magicians (and of course better human beings) .

In the beginning of my magic career I studied magic by myself and I know how difficult and overwhelming it is to find good magic and step-by-step learning. 

Years after having been a self-taught magician I went to 3 different magic schools and my knowledge and magic skills skyrocketed! So I know how helpful it is to learn magic next with a teacher.

I'm super excited to show you some really cool secrets I've learned through my career :)!

You can also check my website here:


Become a Expert Card Magician!

In only 12 days you will be able to amaze all your friends and family!

Learn Card Magic

Learn Mind-Frying Card Tricks (the Easy Way)

Learn card magic in just 12 days - only 20 minutes a day -  and be ready to amaze your friends and family!

No, I just want the free card trick
